
Adventurous Hike

July 18th, 2007

Driving north, we spent out first night on the road in Hayward, Wisconsin. We loved the Comfort Suites there with its resort atmosphere, comfortable rooms and location on the lake.

Tuesday morning we drove north to Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. We did not have time to take a ferry to one of the islands so we opted for a hike. The Lakeshore Trail, runs along the mainland and past the cliffs above the mainland sea caves.

It wasn’t our best planned hike. The trail was wet and muddy, creating many water logged areas along the trail. I was wearing less than ideal shoes. The trail also had many stream crossing, including bridges – one aspect that particularly bothered Jackie. All these things led to a less than perfect hike. Jennifer did well until the return trip when she slipped, lost her shoe in the mud and had to walk back with muddy and wet shoes and socks.


The views, though, were lovely. Our final destination, the sea caves, gave us the opportunity to watch the waves crash into the caves.


June 19

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